Our laboratory is CLIA licensed as a moderately complex laboratory. A physician medical director and a consulting pathologist monitor services. As required by Level IV Trauma Designation, Lillian M. Hudspeth Memorial Hospital also maintains blood banking services for emergency transfusion as well as in-patient and out-patient needs. The hospital’s laboratory services team offers convenient, routine, and emergency laboratory services.
For more information, please call one of our lab professionals at (325) 387-1171. Se habla Español.
About our Laboratory
The outpatient laboratory offers services to meet diagnostic testing needs of the community. Advanced technology allows physicians quick access to most routine and emergency laboratory test. Quest & Pathlab Reference Laboratories provides complex laboratory studies, microbiology, and pathology studies. These national lab services provide daily reference testing while ensuring computer-transmitted results, in most cases in less than 24 hours.
Laboratory Services
Clinical laboratory services provided:
- Chemistry
- Hematology
- Coagulation
- Serology
- Special chemistry
- Urinalysis
- Immunology/Blood Banking
Reference services provided:
- Microbiology
- Histology
Registering for Lab Services
Registering for laboratory services is fast and easy. Bring your physician’s order and insurance card. Standing orders are maintained so routine, monthly lab work can be performed in an express manner. Present to the registration clerk. You will sign a consent form and your insurance information will be verified. A skilled lab technician will assist you to the room where your sample will be taken. Lillian M. Hudspeth Memorial Hospital is proud to provide this quick and efficient outpatient service.
All physician referrals are accepted and there is little to no waiting for your procedure.
Direct Access Lab Testing
The Laboratory at LMH Memorial hospital offers direct access lab testing to the public without a physican’s referral and at an affordable rate. See below for a list of services and their costs. Note that all fees are paid at time of service and there are no further discounts.
Available Lab Tests:
- A,B,O and Rh Blood Type – $21
- BNP – $120
- CBC (Complete Blood Count) – $26
- Cholesterol – $16
- CMP (Comp[lete Metabolic Panel) – $31
- Glucose – $16
- Hemoglobin A1C (Glycated Hemoglobin) – $27
- Lipid Panel – $31
- HGC (Pregnancy Test) – $20
- PT (Prothrombin Test) – $21
- PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) $37
- Strep Screen – $21
- TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) – $37
- Urinalysis w/o reflex culture – $21
- General Health Screen (CBC, CMP, TSH) – $70
- Sars Covid 19 IgG–$120.00
Direct Access testing is offereing the individuals of the community a valuable service. Testing in the laboratory is performed by the standards set forth by the Clinical Improvements Act of 1988. Each patient receiving test results must understand the limitations of the test and acknowledge that they are responsible for any follow-up with their physician. Your results will be mailed to you upon completion of the tests or you may pick them up in person. If you choose to have someone pick them up for you, you must sign a consent authorizing release of your results to that individual. Your physician will not receive a copy of your results without your consent.
Laboratory Staff

Chris Kessler
Lab Director

Hanna Blesing
Radiology Director

Ryan Castillo
Radiology Technologist