Few hospitals of any size match Hudspeth Memorial’s diagnostic imaging resources. A significant investment has been made in maintaining the cutting edge of imaging technology. The department enjoys a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) and the latest in Radiology Information Systems (RIS) which integrate the digital imaging system with the hospital electronic health records.
Please call the Imaging Department for your radiological needs: (325) 387-1171. Se habla Español.
Imaging Services at LMH
The Medical Imaging Department provides a wide number of imaging services and special procedures, including:
- Siemens Perspective 128 Slice CT Scanner
- Two Acuson x700 (General and Cardic) Ultra Sound
- Echocardiograms
- Bone Density
- Siemens Ysio Max Digital X-Ray; meets XR 29 Standards
- Stress Echocardiogram
- 3D Digital Mammography (Tomosynthesis)
Imaging services are provided for both outpatient and emergency needs. A consulting radiologist provides interpretation services. The hospital bills for the technical component of imaging services while a second bill for radiologist services will be mailed by the consulting physician.
All physician referrals are accepted and there is little to no wait for your procedure. Most insurance programs require preauthorization for MRI and CT scans.

Outpatient Imaging Cash Options
At Lillian M. Hudspeth Memorial Hospital, we strive to provide the best care possible. We offer a competitive cash price for outpatient services. Cash price with discount is offered in lieu of all insurance filing. Insurance claims will not be filed by Lillian M. Hudspeth Memorial Hospital or provided to clients
- XRAY per body site – $150
- CAT SCAN per body site – $600
- MRI per body site – $700
- Ultrasound per body site – $200
- Vascular Study per body site – $250
- Echo – $400
- Stress Echo – $400
- Stress Test – $200
- Bone Density Study – $200
- Mammo Screening Bilat – $160
- Mammo Diagnostic Unilat – $200
The above fees are for Technical Services Only (the actual performance of the ordered exam). Payment is due at time of service. You will receive an additional Radiologist/Cardiologist Reading Fee and will be billed separately by the Radiologist’s/Cardiologist’s billing company.
Cash pricing only applies to outpatient imaging and does not apply to imaging services rendered by the emergency department or as an inpatient.
Imaging Staff

Hanna Blessing
Radiology Director